Interpretation Services

Interpretation Services

Guaranteed Accuracy and Speed

Interpreting services are available for any industry, in Arabic! Consecutive interpretation, simultaneous interpretation, sight interpretation, and more. Access our interpreting services over the phone instantly, or in person within 24 hours. Plus, we even offer a self-managed platform where you can access over-the-phone interpreters in real time via our web and mobile app.

What is Interpretation Services?

Interpreting services are the provision of spoken or signed language communication by a professional interpreter to convey a message from the language of the original speaker or writer, into the language of the listener. This task requires the language interpreter to preserve the register (or tone) of the message, as well as the meaning behind that message.

Interpreting is an audible form of communication where at least one message in the communication is spoken. For example:

  • A conference interpreting service where the speaker’s message is simultaneously interpreted into sign language. (1 spoken, 1 visual)
  • A medical interpreting service involving a patient in an Arab hospital who doesn’t speak English. The interpreter relays the patient’s needs to the doctor and the doctor’s diagnosis to the patient. (2 spoken)
  • A document sight interpreting service where an English woman finds a family letter written in Arabic and wants to know what it says. The interpreter reads the letter aloud in English. (1 visual, 1 spoken)

Phone Interpreting Services

Phone interpreting services, best conducted with consecutive interpreting, offer ease in communication between parties who do not speak or understand one another.

Phone interpreting services can be conducted for two or more parties that are in the same room with one another, or in remote locations. It simply requires that one party secures a professional interpreter on a call, then adds additional parties on the line, or places the phone on speaker so that everyone in the room may be involved in the conversation.

You don’t always know who will walk through your doors, or when. So, we offer professional over-the-phone interpreting services 24/7 in Arabic and English.

In Person Interpreting Services

You can acquire an in person interpreter at any location in the world in less than 24 hours from your request. With our in person interpretation services, we will connect you with an interpreter who specializes in your industry, and is fluent in both languages that you need.

Whether you need conference interpreting for an international seminar, liaison interpreting for a business meeting, or relay interpreting for a rare language, we can connect you with the interpreters you need for any situation, in any location!

Thousands of Satisfied Clients over 30+ Years!

We help Businesses with Translation from English, Chinese, French, German, Spanish and other Languages To Arabic and vice versa.

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